London Nail Company (Royal Victoria Place) - Tunbridge Wells, South East

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London Nail Company in Royal Victoria Place

Store located at shopping centre: Royal Victoria Place
Address: 300 Victoria Rd, Tunbridge Wells, TN1 2SS
Phone: 01892 514141 (this is phone number to the centre/mall)
Country: England
State: South East
City: Tunbridge Wells
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London Nail Company in Tunbridge Wells, South East TN1 2SS - store located at Royal Victoria Place. Address: 300 Victoria Rd, Tunbridge Wells, TN1 2SS, GPS: 51.135177969352, 0.26583798836054. Business details: opening times, special & holiday hours, Black Friday information.

London Nail Company in Tunbridge Wells, South East - Map - (Royal Victoria Place location)

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Your shopping destination is located on address: 300 Victoria Rd, Tunbridge Wells, TN1 2SS.

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Reviews (1)

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    JWFeb 1, 2020

    Although they do the best manicures, some, but not all, of the staff are rude. I have been made to feel uncomfortable and unwelcome on more than one occasion most particularly by Alice and Elise. I only went back because they do the best manicures or I would have found another salon! Elise spoke to me like a child on several occasions and kept telling me off for not relaxing my hands properly. The final straw was when I rang to make an appointment with Alice. I was offered an appointment at 9.30am and was in the process of accepting when my phone signal dipped and I was cut off! I rang back 10 seconds later. No one answered so I left a message to say I’d like the appointment and could they call me back to confirm. No one rang back so I rang again 7 minutes later to be told that my appointment had been given to another customer!!! There was no apology. I was offered an appointment with another nail technician who did a good enough job! The customer Alice was working on was done by 9.30 - when I asked about this I was told that the customer had arrived early and only wanted a nail repair on one nail. I would have thought that whoever booked that appointment would have asked what the customer needed! At no point did anyone apologise to me. I rang the other branch in Victoria Place and asked to speak to the salon owner. The lady I spoke to was sympathetic at the time and said she would contact the owner and ask her to call me! I even left a time when I was available so as not to miss her call! I had to ring 3 times before Estelle, the owner rang me back. Her tone was brusque and unsympathetic. She was more interested in defending Alice, saying she is her partner and she hasn’t had any other complaints. In light of this, I was unlikely to get a ‘fair hearing’, was I!! I spoke to Alice later that day who didn’t seem to understand my complaint, rather she told me I was aggressive towards another member of staff because as I left i said I had no idea what I had done to offend Alice in the past and that I was annoyed as Alice seemed to taken against me - I still don't know what I did initially to cause Alice to take offence with me! I had rung about a year ago to speak to Alice as I was getting fed up with being treated brusquely - the nail technician that day barely said one word to me - Alice said it was because her grandmother had died recently - fair enough, and I said that I was sorry to hear that, but how was I to know the situation - I am not a mind reader - and should she have been at work anyway if she felt unable to converse with customers to that extent! Alice and Elise seem to only see things from their point of view - they seem to think it’s is ok for them to be brusque and unwelcoming towards me in a passive aggressive bullying way and to speak to me like a naughty child! I was like girls ganging up at school! I asked if I would be welcome to come back as they do fantastic nail treatments but Alice basically told me it would be ‘better for everyone if I didn’t!’ How humiliating!

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Opening times (standard hours of Royal Victoria Place)

Special, Holiday & Black Friday Hours (Royal Victoria Place)